Let's Code Our Own Game

Let's Code Our Own Game

The aims of this project are helping children to improve computational thinking and coding abilities. As it is known, computer games are enjoyable for all children. So we thought that creating their own games may be the best way to teach them coding. In this project children will code their own games and they will get to know each other through playing these games that are created by children from other cultures. And also, as teachers we will share our teaching methods for coding teaching.

28.09.2021 176


Improving coding skills
Improving the skills of communication in English
Improving cooperative work skills
Improving a sense of responsibility and tolerance
Raising individuals who are respectful towards different cultures


Step 1: Knowing each other by using Padlet
Step 2: Start coding with Scratch
Step 3: Designing project logo
Step 4: Making a presentation of their schools
Step 5: Preparing a presentation of a local factor (traditional food, wear, music)
Step 6: Creating a slogan to phrase the project.
Step 7: Writing games by using Scratch
Step 8: Sharing and playing the games made by them.


We will create an e-book and Project web site. Students will have their own coded games as a part of this Project. We will put this games in our project web site for other children. Over the course of project implementation , the students will make new friends, they will participate in activities which will help them in learning a second language, Europe, partner countries, languages, traditions, people and so on; besides all these, they will learn coding.

